Friday, January 7, 2011

KY Stonehenge

Today's pictures were taken on 10/31 at Kentucky Stonehenge in Hart County (Munfordville, KY).  These pictures were taken while on the KY 120 tour.  The beauty of these pictures goes beyond the actual stones.  With each picture taken, I gained a new meaning from the picture.  The Kentucky Stonehenge is located on the northside on a side street off 31W.  When you first pull up, you see what is called Cannon Hill.  Simply drive around the corner and you will experience a spiritual breathtaking moment.  If you park on the side of the road across from Cannon Hill, you will see the cross below.  If you look at the bigger picture, you will see a sanctuary laid out in stone.  On this day, the special moment with this picture was capturing the cross in the sky created by the airplanes.  I was not fortunate of getting this picture, but my friend who was with me that day caught it.  The picture that she took was very moving and somewhat made me jealous.  Again, sometimes its better to look at the bigger picture rather than only focusing on the small things (which is how I missed out on this picture).  The second picture of a baby angel (boy).  When I took this picture, it made me feel that the artist was capturing a lost son, brother, nephew, or family member.  I could see the pain in the artist eye from losing their loved one and by having this figure sitting on the stone it serves as a memorial.  The third picture was part of the Kentucky Stonehenge.  It was truly amazing.  To think that someone had to have the idea, time, patience, and money to complete such a project is crazy.  This project had to be years in making.  To me, it taught me that having a vision is not simply enough.  You have to put into action the thoughts of the mind.

Sorry for my tangent, but just had to give background to the meanings of the picture.  Make sure that you all look at the clouds in each picture.  That is why I loved taking the pictures on that day.

1 comment:

  1. Solomon, Hey this is way too cool . I hope this gets through. I am trying so hard ...
    I have never heard of this place it is amazing and one place I would like to visit. Thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us...
