Saturday, February 4, 2012


Happy Saturday Afternoon.  Today's blog features pictures that I took throughout the course of 2011, but "revisited" them to provide pictures for today's entry.  As I mentioned in my previous blog, I purchased a program called Photomatix (shoutout to DarthAngi).  I have used this program to provide additional edits to pictures that I have taken previously.  Let me know your thoughts on these pictures.

The first picture was taken at the Pine Mountain Settlement School in Harlan County in Spring 2011.  I am considering this picture to enter into a couple of photo contests.  :) 

The second and third picture was taken in Chicago at Milennium Park.  While walking through the park, there was a couple taking their engagement or wedding photos.  The third picture was of a group of kids preparing for a quinciera.

The fourth picture was taken at the Daniel Boone Festival in Barbourville, KY in the Fall of 2011.  At the parade, this young girl was sitting on the fire truck with her parents. 

The fifth picture was taken in Chicago at Chinatown at a restaurant called Dim sum.  While waiting for our food, I tried to capture the image that my eyes were seeing, but unfortunately my camera did not...that is until I edited the image using HDR.

The final picture was taken in the fall in downtown Frankfort, KY. 

So, let me know what you think :).

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