Monday, April 25, 2011

A Moment In Time

In the beginning of April, I drove through Woodburn, KY on my way to Bowling Green to meet my mom for lunch.  While in Woodburn, I wanted to stop and take a picture of an old church steeple that was standing erect...the church building itself long gone.  However, when I passed, the steeple had fallen.  Tonight's pictures and short blog is about capturing those special moments of time...those moments that if not caught will fade away into oblivion.  How often is it that we are told of a place that was torn down or closed and we think of the many memories associated with that place.  It could be a favorite restaurant, an old church, an old school building, family home, place where you went for boy scouts, or a place where you had your first slow dance with a girl.  At any rate, the tearing down of these places can unofficially closes a chapter(s) of our life.

The first picture is of a tree that I have captured in a previous post.  So, why add it on here?  The tree has been dead for a while, but has not fell or been cut down.  However, with the recent storms, a huge limb fell to the ground.  Probably the next time that I am home, this tree will no longer because it will be cut / sawed down.  On Saturday night, I set up my tripod and captured the tree as storm clouds were entering in from the west.  What I did not think about was the effect of the clouds coming in and the scarce light hitting the tree during a 2:30 minute exposure.  When I look at this picture, I feel that the tree is glowing...sort of on fire (like the burning bush with Moses).  The clouds add a glowing effect from the tree.  The light in the sky is a star and the red light is a TV antenna in the background.

The second picture is of the steeple that I mentioned in Woodburn, KY.  I took this picture using my Kodak EasyShare back in 2009.  Even at the time, I thought to myself that a good wind would knock this steeple down.  I am glad that I captured this picture when I did because as my mom says all of the time..."don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today."

The final picture of the one and only...Franklin-Simpson High School Gymnasium (taken February 2011 with the Nikon D5000).  This year marks the last time this gym will be used for organized basketball games.  It served host to many of awesome teams, phenomenal games, rough practices, heavy ropes, running the stairs, and Coach Bell-isms (Newwwwtoooooooown).  For me personally, these things helped pave the way for my future (or could have been those heavy ropes beating me)...who knows...

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