Monday, December 22, 2014

My Hero

Right now, I am sitting with my nephew at Kosair Children's Hospital.  He was flown in on Saturday evening from Bowling Green and was discovered to have a blood clot in his artificial mitral valve. With not much time on his side, the treatment team had to decide between two course of actions with both procedures being risky with various percentages of possible fatality. The team decided to take the less riskier procedure and treat the clot with rounds of medication.  Early Sunday morning was rough, but within 48 hours, I am blessed to say that the original clot has decreased in its size.  Truly, it was nothing but God.
I have been blessed with many positive role models and leaders in my life from mom, dad, family, coaches, teachers, and supervisors.  Of those, I can say that my biggest hero is my nephew.  For those close to me, you know of the surgeries, the trips to Boston, and the many prayers that went up for him.  A week shy of sixteen, he has had four open heart surgeries in his lifetime and has endured more shots, tests, and procedures than I can imagine.  Yet, every time I see him, he always has a smile on his face.  He has always been a strong person and this past weekend even stronger.
Even though we will likely spend Christmas in the hospital this year, I am happy that he overcame this latest piece of adversity.  Like him and my family, there are many kids, families, nurses, and doctors, due to circumstances bigger than them will celebrate the holiday in the hospital.  To put it into perspective, I rode on an elevator today with a woman whose family was leaving the hospital finally after spending 18 months at the hospital.  My prayer this year is for everyone to know that it is more than the gifts you receive or do not receive that makes this life wonderful.  It is spending time with your loved ones and doing good for mankind.  These life lessons are like the heart valve, it's what keeps us going.



1 comment:

  1. Solomon, that was absolutely beautiful and so true. It has me crying. I am praying and will continue to pray for Tre and all of you.. Just remember, Tre is covered by the blood of The LAMB!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!
