Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Grace is Sufficient

Some may call me cheap.  I call myself a thoughtfully cautious financial consumer.  Right now, I am sitting at a tire shop waiting to get new tires on my car, Grace.  I held off as long as I could to get new tires, but the gaping hole in my tire forced my hand.

Grace and I have been together since November 2005 after the love of my life, Sage, left my life in flames one dreary night on I-65.  I did not realize when I first met Grace that she would be with me most of my adult life.  She was not prettiest filly on the track, but she was what I needed at the time.  And I showed her off like she was my crown jewel.  If it was driving to Folly Beach, into the hollers of Eastern Kentucky, to see referrals for work, or to *ahem* places, she has truly been my ride or die chick.

Truth be told, she has always been jealous of my girlfriend.  Since we started dating, she has been seeking to dip into my wallet just so that she knows that I know that she needs love too.  Women, go figure!?!  I can recall one day while we all were together that she decided to take this jealousy to another level.  Not one but two windows came out their tract in the matter of two months.  At least the second one was not on the side of one the tallest points in Kentucky and required me holding it for most of the day so that it did not fall.   

One the eve of what feels like is our impending end, I can't help to think of the good times and the bad times.  She is nearing the ripeful age of 230,000 miles.  She is no longer the beautiful lady she once was.  Her cooling and warmth have long been lost from her, although every now and then she'll find it in her to display her youthfulness again.  I don't know if we can make it through another Polar Vortex.  With all of that said, I feel the need to keep her close to me.  Do you blame me?  I made a promise to her.  A promise that I will see her hit the wonderful milestone of 300,000 miles.  Call me cheap, but I call it devotion to Grace.

Blackacre Conservatory (Louisville)

Nada Tunnel (Red River Gorge)

Jacobson Park (Lexington)
Old Louisville

Gray's Arch (Red River Gorge)

St. James Fountain (Louisville)
Beckley Creek Park (Louisville)

1 comment:

  1. You do great photography. Love looking at your scenes of Louisville and the Ohio especially.
