Monday, October 29, 2012

Emerald Isle, NC

At the risk of sounding corny, I'm going to put it out there and say that Emerald Isle is the gem of North Carolina. So far, it is the only place I have vacationed where I purposefully set my alarm clock in order to greet the sun. The Crystal Coast glimmered like seaglass, the ebb and flow of the tides serene, and the shrimp was sweet (thanks, Cap'n Willis). Fishing in the sound was relaxing, and it was awesome to share the intracoastal waterway with some of the dolphins passing through the area.

To my surprise, mid-October was a fitting time to go-- a great salute to the change of seasons, a last hurrah to those holding on to summer, me included. The white sands of the already-private beach was less-peppered with tourists, and the temperature was a constant mid-seventies. It was just the locals, the Atlantic, and me with a trusty camera in hand. 

No long weekend spent in Emerald Isle is adequate length; even those with wanderlust yearn for an extra day.  The pictures I share below are just glimpses of what I experienced. The food, the relaxation, and the karaoke are not pictured here, but thank you for the music for giving it to me! (An ABBA reference for those not on the inside!)
--Melanie V.
Guest Blogger

Good morning!

Shraaaamp Boat

Moonset at Dolphin Ridge

Sunrise on the Sound


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall 2.0

Here are some featured pictures from this past week as fall is in full effect across Kentucky.  The pictures tonight were taken at Crescent Hill Reservoir Park (Louisville), Waterfront Park (Louisville), Lockegee (Morehead), Clark County (KY),   Eagle Lake (Morehead), and Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill (Mercer County).  Thanks again for your continued support with this blogsite and with my photography.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall 1.0

I titled the post tonight "Fall 1.0" because I hope to share with you more fall pictures in the weeks coming up.    I am not sure how it is in other places, but I see that in Eastern Kentucky and Louisville that the trees are turning bright and vivid colors.  To take from a former elder of my church (Loving Chapel Baptist Church), "God is an 'aresome' God."  I pray each of you indulge in his awesomeness.