Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday Cheers

It has been a long-running joke that my girlfriend is my business manager when it comes my photography. While I may be the one with the camera, she more-or-less calls all the shots. She came home from work one evening and nonchalantly told me, "Hey, Solomon, I told my coworker that you are going to take portraits of her family." And that was that-- my first family holiday photoshoot was booked.

I met Zach and Courtney, and their boys Cameron and Trevor, on the sunniest day in December that I can recall for Kentucky; it was hard to fathom that Christmas was around the corner. I started the shoot with taking portraits at the fireplace, and, thanks to the suggestion of Cameron and Trevor,  whose energy was as boundless as the sun's rays on that day, it evolved into running around outside and around Taylorsville Lake to enjoy the unseasonably warm weather.

It was a wonderful experience photographing a great family, and ultimately getting to know them. I knew they were good people when we were able to wax poetic on the best BBQ spots in Louisville. Also, congratulations are in order for Courtney and Zach, who were recently named and awarded as volunteers of the year for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Please help support their cause by visiting Courtney's pages, and enjoy their pictures below:

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