Monday, April 23, 2012

Thunder Over Louisville 2012

There is only one Kentucky!!!  In what seems to be a recurring theme about events and sights of Kentucky, tonight's pictures were taken at Thunder Over Louisville this past weekend.  This I had went to Thunder before in college and as a freshmen in high school, but that was over ten years ago.  This year's fireworks display was really awesome.  I had a great time and even felt like a kid again watching in anticipation for each burst of light going into the sky.

Initially, I wanted to capture the display using a 18mm-200mm lens as most of the websites that I reviewed recommended a zoom lens when photographing fireworks.  However, I switched to a wide angle lens (10mm-24mm) before the fireworks to capture a night airshow.  Personally, I felt that it was a good decision as the wide angle lens provided me the opportunity to capture the fireworks display from the Indiana side as well as the Kentucky side from where we were near the riverbank. 

Now, do know that this was the second time that I ever tried to take pictures of fireworks.  I really don't feel that my pictures are the best, especially after seeing pictures taken by photographers on the river, but I still want to share.  Anyways, enjoy and remember...there is only one Kentucky. 


  1. Nice Job Solomon! I like the 5th one the best, but I also like the 1st and the 4th.
    Sheila Reeves

  2. Thanks Sheila. I really appreciate the feedback. We should go shooting together one day.

  3. I was here too! Wish I'd ran into you. We were right near the speaker system. I'm not great at fireworks either but I had a few I really liked. I posted my favorite and made it my cover photo on FB if you get a chance tell me what you think. I like yours and I too couldn't decide what lens but since I didn't have a tripod I went wide angle too. I am glad cause I really like the bridge in the shot.
    -Lori Ward
